Patrick Huber

Patrick Huber

Cloud Engineer / DevOps / Senior Consultant


Work Experience

Work Experience

  • ICT Application DeveloperHelsana Versicherungen AG

    May, 2023 - Present

    Working as an ICT Application Developer (80%) at Helsana, contributing to the improvement and maintenance of healthcare insurance applications.

    • Develop and maintain applications to support various healthcare insurance processes within Helsana.

    • Collaborate with cross-functional teams to implement application solutions, ensuring scalability and performance.

    • Participate in the design and development of backend services, leveraging Java and related technologies.

    • Optimize and improve existing applications, focusing on maintainability, performance, and user experience.

    • Engage in agile development processes, including sprint planning, retrospectives, and continuous integration practices.

  • Senior ConsultantInnovation Process Technology AG

    Mar, 2022 - Mar, 20231 year 1 month

    Senior Consultant (80%): Current mandate Helsana (health insurance)

    • New development (Java Spring Boot, Kotlin and Apache Camel) and replacement (migration) of integrations based on Oracle SOA Suite (legacy system) and JDeveloper usig EIP.

    • API Design with Apicurio Studio (API First)

    • Creating and maintaining of Azure DevOps repositories and CI/CD pipelines

    • SCM with Azure DevOps and Gitlab

    • Integration development using wsdl, wadl, xsd, xslt, SOAP, REST, JSON Schema, OpenAPI.

    • Deploy, maintain and manage integrations on Red Hat OpenShift 4 clusters using helm and/or kustomize.

    • Manage and configure Red Hat 3Scale

    • Intensive collaboration through working within the client's team(s)

    • Know-how transfer within Innovation Process Technology AG Team and the client team(s)

    • Other technologies involved: Adcubum Syrius Insurance Platform, Syrius API-Bridge, Oracle Databases, LDAP, Nevis, Quay container registry, Ansible Tower

  • Full Stack Software Developer / Cloud Engineer / CTOStoneAgeIT GmbH

    Feb, 2021 - Present

    Working as Full Stack Software Developer / CTO (20%-100%) for the startup StoneAge IT GmbH

    • Co-Founder

    • Project Lead/Manager and Full Stack Developer for the "trogl" application (ongoing).

    • Coaching and consulting internal and external clients

    • Concept, planning, implementation and administration of software as a service (SaaS) solutions with various AWS products.

    • Project exchanges, management as well as recruitment, coordination and management of freelance project employees.

    • Operating and monitoring of all ICT services of StoneAge IT GmbH.

  • Operations EngineerJobCloud AG | jobup.ch - jobs.ch

    Mar, 2016 - Dec, 20204 years 9 months

    I changed jobs internally and started as Operations Engineer (80%).
    Later, when the studies started, I reduced to 60%.

    • Concept, implementation, set-up, maintenance and care of our cloud-based infrastructure (AWS)

    • Maintenance, further development and care of the hosted infrastructure (managed hosting)

    • Design, setup and maintenance of the infrastructure of our container-based applications (Docker)

    • Evaluation and operation of various SaaS products

    • Configuration and operation of modern services like NGiNX, Elasticsearch, Galera Cluster, Varnish, MongoDB, Kafka, haproxy

    • Development of automated pipelines for Continuous Integrations / Continuous Deployment

    • Maintenance of various internal tools such as Jenkins, JIRA, Confluence, Nagios, Grafana, Prometheus

    • Implementation of planned projects in cross-departmental teams

    • Close cooperation with the development teams (in-house and near shoring) in an agile environment

    • Know-how transfer within the own team

    • Complete planning, implementation, further development and operation of the central logging system (Elastic Cloud, Beats, Ingest Pipelines)

  • SystemadministratorJobCloud AG | jobup.ch - jobs.ch

    Nov, 2005 - Mar, 201610 years 4 months

    • First, second and third level support client computers

    • Software rollouts including project planning

    • Packaging of updates, update management

    • Administration & configuration of web servers, databases, fileserver, printer server, active directory, GPO

    • Administration & configuration Server Microsoft & Linux (Ubuntu)

    • Administration & configuration firewall cluster (Fortigate)

    • Administration & configuration of Hyper-V Cluster / SAN

    • Administration & configuration DHCP, DNS

    • Backup management with Veeam

    • Material orders and administration

    • Network management routing, switches, VLAN

    • Administration & configuration telephone system

    • WLAN network administration and management (Ubiquiti Unifi)

    • Administration & configuration VPN IPSec and SSLVPN

    • OS X server management

    • Exchange management via Exchange Control Panel

  • Service EngineerBauteil AG

    Dec, 2005 - Dec, 20051 day

    Temporary employment at Bauteil AG. Repairs, maintenance and renovation of various industrial doors. The work involved trips to half of Switzerland.

  • Professional Freelancer, Freelance Web Developer / Designer

    Dec, 2004 - Dec, 20051 year

    Worked as a freelancer on various website projects, including as a web programmer at Cyberlink Internet Services AG in Zurich.

  • Durchdiener DD-RS 210 (PILOT), Infantry - Fusiliers (Mechanized) DDSwiss Army

    Jul, 2001 - Apr, 20029 months

    The "Durchdiener" recruit school offered six months of training with in-depth preparation for subsidiary assignments in all of Switzerland. We learned the military basics and prepared ourselves for the following four months in Switzerland with special training:

    • Guard
    • Monitor
    • Direct traffic
    • Transport
    • Education

    During the deployment phase, Chur (GR) is the base for operations throughout Switzerland.


    • Infantry, Fusilier (Mechanized) DD


    • St. Maurice (VS)
    • Payerne
    • Chur
    • Bern

    Additional training worth mentioning:

    • Personal and vehicle control
    • Melee training I & II
    • Motor vehicle training - Cat. III / 1
    • Dangerous goods transport training (ADR certificate)
    • Spin course with small trucks (Duro)
  • Apprenticeship as Electro-Mechanic, Liggenstorfer AG, Elektromotoren + Maschinenbau

    Aug, 1997 - Aug, 20014 years



  • Cloud Computing

    Amazon Web Services (AWS)

  • Cloud Computing

    Microsoft Azure

  • Protocols / APIs





  • Monitoring / Logging






    Nagios (check_mk)


  • IaC / CI/CD

    AWS CloudFormation

    AWS CodeBuild

    AWS CodeDeploy

    AWS CodePipeline


    Chef & knife

    Jenkins (including DSL Plugin)

    GitHub Actions and GitHub Runners

    Bitbucket Pipelines and Bitbucket Runners

  • Containers



    LXC / LXD

  • Networking



    CIDR / Subnets







  • Agile Methodology



  • Microsoft

    Microsoft ADDS

    Microsoft Server

    Microsoft Hyper-V

    Microsoft O365

    Microsoft SQL Server

  • Relational Databases



    Amazon RDS

    Amazon Aurora

  • Relational Databases



    Oracle Database

    MS SQL

  • NoSQL


    Amazon DocumentDB

    Amazon DynamoDB

  • Coding / Scripting

    Shell (sh/bash/zsh)


  • Frontend

    React / JSX

    React Native



    ECMAScript (Javascript)

  • Backend


    Java/Kotlin Spring Boot

  • Object-oriented programming languages



  • Package and version managers

    NVM, Yarn, Npm

    Apache Maven


  • Frontend



  • Webserver



  • Load Balancing

    AWS Elastic Load Balancing (ELB)


  • Important Tools

    OpenSSH / SSH-Keys Public-key (asymmetric)

    Jira / Confluence on-premise and cloud


  • SCM



    Atlassian Bitbucket

    Azure DevOps

  • Linux / Unix Distros



    Amazon Linux


  • Ubiquiti UniFi


    Access Points

    UniFi Security Gateway (USG)

    UniFi OS

    UniFi Controller

  • Programming and numeric computing platform




  • Computer Science, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science UAS Zurich, ZHAW School of Engineering

    Aug, 2018 - Jul, 2022

    Bachelor Thesis: Evaluation of Quantum Machine Learning Algorithms

    Project Thesis: Quantum Machine Learning - Programming a Quantum Simulator and a Quantum Computer

    Program 1 (Java)

    Databases 1

    Web technologies 1

    Software project 1

    Communication Competence Scenario Starter

    Analysis 1

    Fundamentals of discrete mathematics

    Web technologies 2

    Information and coding

    Theoretical computer science

    Software project 2

    Communication Competence Scenario Professional

    Analysis 2

    Linear algebra for computer science

    Program 2 (Java)

    Web technologies 3

    Programming in C

    Communication technology

    Algorithms and data structures

    Communication Competence Scenario Booster

    Physics for computer science

    Software development 1

    Databases 2

    Computer technology for IT 1

    Software project 3

    Economy for engineers

    Numerics 1

    Software development 2

    Computer technology for IT 2

    Artificial Intelligence 1

    Communication Competence Scenario Academic


    Numerics 2

    Operating Systems

    IT Security

    Artificial Intelligence 2

    Communication Competence Scenario Business

    Quantitative Methods in Operations

    Software project 4

    Project Thesis

    Digital Health

    Serverless and Cloud Application Development

    Software and System Security 1

    Visual Computing 1

    IT Law

    Investment and financing

    Marketing and market development

    Game Development

    Software and System Security 2

    Visual Computing 2

  • Technician, Computer Science, Dipl. Technician Specializing in Computer Science, Schweizerische Technische Fachschule Winterthur (STFW)

    Dec, 2002 - Dec, 2004

    Business English

    German / text design

    Learning and working technique


    C / C ++

    CGI with Perl

    Command Script & Windows NT

    Database technology

    UNIX introduction & administration

    Electrical & Electronics Basics

    Basic network technology, Cisco router

    Basic IT knowledge

    Internet programming

    Measurement, control and regulation technology (MSR)

    Microcontroller programming

    Software engineering

    Telecommunications, Windows NT server

    Diploma thesis: Digital learning software

  • Language, Language stay, Sprachaufenthalt in Toronto (CAN)

    Dec, 2002 - Dec, 2002

  • Basic Education, Swiss vocational school, TBZ Technische Berufsschule Zürich

    Dec, 1997 - Dec, 2001

  • Basic Education, Swiss secondary school (high school), Sekundarschule, Seuzach

    Dec, 1994 - Dec, 1997

  • Basic Education, Swiss elementary school, Primarschule, Hettlingen

    Dec, 1988 - Dec, 1994





  • Experimental Evaluation of Quantum Machine Learning Algorithms , IEEE

    Published on: Jan 12, 2023

    Machine learning and quantum computing are both areas with considerable progress in recent years. The combination of these disciplines holds great promise for both research and practical applications. Recently there have also been many theoretical contributions of quantum machine learning algorithms with experiments performed on quantum simulators. However, most questions concerning the potential of machine learning on quantum computers are still unanswered such as How well do current quantum machine learning algorithms work in practice? How do they compare with classical approaches? Moreover, most experiments use different datasets and hence it is currently not possible to systematically compare different approaches. In this paper we analyze how quantum machine learning can be used for solving small, yet practical problems. In particular, we perform an experimental analysis of kernel-based quantum support vector machines and quantum neural networks. We evaluate these algorithm on 5 different datasets using different combinations of quantum feature maps. Our experimental results show that quantum support vector machines outperform their classical counterparts on average by 3 to 4% in accuracy both on a quantum simulator as well as on a real quantum computer. Moreover, quantum neural networks executed on a quantum computer further outperform quantum support vector machines on average by up to 5% and classical neural networks by 7%.



  • Fitness

  • Outdoor

    Canadian canoeHiking
  • Computer Science