Nov, 2017 - Present
Building scalable platforms
Software architecture
Data engineering Consulting
API Gateway
Real-time notifications
Queues architectures
Data Engineer and Software Architect (and developer), Start-up consultant applying 15 years of experience in web development.
My professional mission is to bring software technologies to users in a scalable and efficient way.
Interested in designing products, libraries, APIs driven by needs.
Nov, 2017 - Present
Building scalable platforms
Software architecture
Data engineering Consulting
API Gateway
Real-time notifications
Queues architectures
Data specialist,
Feb, 2022 - Jul, 20231 year 5 months
I was primarily responsible for making critical data architecture decisions, which involved retrieving data from multiple software APIs, designing and implementing ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) processes to store and manage the data efficiently. Additionally, I played a key role in ensuring that this data was readily available to kickstart machine learning initiatives and create insightful visualizations.
Data engineering
Software architecture
Associate Professor,
Jan, 2016 - Jan, 20171 year
Software Development Tools
Aug, 2011 - Dec, 20132 years 4 months
Teaching: Databases|Servers|Web Development
Feb, 2010 - Aug, 20111 year 6 months
In charge of multilingual for the Gensuite project
Jun, 2018 - Present
Loyalty program platform
Loyalty program made with simple but powerful technologies
Computer Software Engineering, Master's degree, CIMAT
Dec, 2012 - Dec, 2014
Information Technology, Bachelor's degree, ITESM
Dec, 2005 - Dec, 2009
Intro to IA Statement of Accomplishment , Sebastian Thrun Ph. D., Peter Norvig Ph. D.
Awarded on: Dec 31, 2011
First course from Sebastian Thrun/Peter Norvig piloting an experiment for remote learning
Co-Founder, Rewards Codes
Jun, 2020 - Present
Loyalty program platform for small business
Product Vision
Software architecture
A loyalty program based on Waves blockchain and mobile phone interactions, The 3rd Symposium on Distributed Ledger Technology
Published on: Nov 01, 2018
Loyalty cards programs have been used by retailers to increase customer retention. Loyality cards provide means to identify a particular customer and to collect customer specific data, thus enabling individualized marketing; however, operating a loyalty program is complicated for retailers since they require to manage balances, collections, and transfers of customers. Moreover, customers may forget or even deliberately decide to not use their cards mainly because it is uncomfortable carrying a physical card.
Modelando datos jerárquicos en bases de datos NoSQL, Tesis Cimat 2014
Published on: Jul 31, 2014
Al tratar de ingresar al movimiento NoSQL, existen diversas formas de modelar la información, lo que lo convierte en un proceso lento y, al elegir entre diversas tecnologías para administrar los datos, puede llegar a ser improductivo sino se tienen claras las características requeridas para el manejo de la información. En esta investigación se implementan seis modelos dentro del ambiente NoSQL (Orientado a documentos, orientado
a columnas, clavevalor, grafos, orientado a objetos y multimodelo), y se evalúa el
desempeño al abordar un desafío común: el modelado y administración de datos jerárquicos.
3d printing
Lean startup