Anil Radhakrishnan

Anil Radhakrishnan


Computational Physicist, Deep learning Researcher


Career Timeline

  • 2020-08 - 2025-05

    Nonlinear Dynamics and Deep Learning Researcher
    Dissertation on Differentiable programming with Nonlinear Dynamics
  • 2020-08 - 2025-05

    Teaching Assistant
    Teaching in tandem with research for the duration of the PhD
  • 2018-08 - 2020-07

    High Energy Physics and Deep Learning Researcher
    Developing deep learning algorthms for processing ATLAS detector data
  • 2018-08 - 2020-07

    Applied Superconductivity Researcher
    Performed experiments and created analysis pipelines for characterizing superconducting RF cavities
  • Beginning!