Computer Science and Design (CSD) Graduate (Cybersecurity Track). Interested in breaking into cybersecurity, whether in red or blue team. Currently working on the OffSec PEN-200 course, Practical Malware Analysis and malware development.


Software Development

  • python
  • JavaScript
  • web
  • mern
  • react

Systems Programming

  • C
  • operating systems
  • OS

Network Systems

  • Go
  • networking

Malware Analysis

  • malware
  • ollydbg
  • x64dbg

Reverse Engineering

  • x86
  • assembly
  • ghidra

Work Experience (3)

Aug 2024 - Current
Security Engineer
Conducting web application security testing on internal applications
May 2023 - Sep 2023
Undergraduate Teaching Assistant
Singapore University of Technology and Design
Aided professor in an operating systems/networking course.
  • Assisted students with assignments and lab exercises
  • Developed program to rapidly test students' networking lab submissions and program to detect plagiarism.
  • Assisted in the creation of new lab content.
Sep 2022 - Dec 2022
Intern (Software/Cybersecurity)
Ministry of Home Affairs
Assigned on a 3-month long project to build a data organisation system for analysts.
  • Developed program to consume data from disparate, semi-structured documents used for analysis
  • Researched, explored frameworks to store and visualise above data for analysts, using graph databases like GraphDB to categorise and display links between data.

Projects (8)

Sep 2023 - Apr 2024
  • drone
  • ros
  • ros2
  • python
  • pixhawk
  • wifi
  • networking
Multi-agent search and rescue system with drones
  • Developed multi-UAV search and rescue solution as Capstone project.
  • Implemented drone software with Robot Operating System (ROS 2 Foxy) in Python, deployed on a NVIDIA Jetson Nano.
  • Configured PixHawk flight controller over NuttX to communicate with drone software.
  • Developed ROS2 code to: interface with mission control over Wi-Fi 5 and interface with a PixHawk flight controller over PX4.
  • Tested solution using simulation software like Gazebo, tested physically in SUTD Drone Arena.
  • Implemented Wi-Fi Access Point spoofing method to boost mobile phone signal detectability.
MiniScript Interpreter
Feb 2024 - Apr 2024
  • compiler
  • C
  • interpreter
Interpreter for a simplified implementation of MiniScript.
  • Developed a compiler and interpreter for a simplified version of MiniScript in C language.
  • Implemented a basic tree-walk interpreter for simplified MiniScript.
DSTA Cyber Defenders Discovery Camp (CDDC)
  • ctf
  • steganography
  • forensic
  • python
General Capture-the-Flag (CTF) organised by DSTA.
  • Participated in 2022/2023 CDDC CTFs.
  • Worked on image steganography, forensic analysis and Python server vulnerability challenges.
picoCTF 2024
Feb 2024 - Mar 2024
  • ctf
  • binary exploitation
  • reverse engineering
  • malware analysis
  • ollydbg
  • ghidra
General CTF organised by CMU.
  • Participated with 4 others, achieving ~125 out of ~4000 teams.
  • Worked on binary exploitation (stack, heap overflows), static malware analysis (reverse engineering with Ghidra), dynamic malware analysis (running and binary patching with OllyDbg)
Sep 2023 - Dec 2023
  • Go
  • distributed
Implementation of the Cassandra distributed protocol, for 50.041 Distributed Systems.
  • Implemented a simplified version of the Cassandra distributed protocol in Go.
  • Main contribution was consistent hashing table and Cassandra node internal API.
Jan 2023 - Apr 2023
  • networking
  • TCP/IP
  • P2P
  • python
  • sockets
A P2P filesharing system, made for 50.012 Networks.
  • Designed custom P2P filesharing protocol, inspired by BitTorrent and Gnutella.
  • Implemented the protocol with Python's socket API.
Loyalty Points Marketplace
May 2022 - Jul 2022
  • web development
  • Node
  • React
  • Express
  • MongoDB
A REST API for banks to interact with a loyalty points backend, made for 50.003 Elements of Software Construction.
  • Developed a REST API that interacts with bank servers and an SFTP backend.
  • Developed simulated full-stack banking webapp with MongoDB, Express, React and Node (MERN) to test the above API.
OTP Generator
  • otp
  • Python
  • encryption
A terminal-based authenticator for time-based one-time passwords (TOTP) which securely stores the setup codes of users.
  • Developed an implementation of RFC 6238 (TOTP algorithm).
  • Developed a secure storage method that encrypts the user's setup code (used to compute the TOTP) instead of storing it in plaintext.

Education (1)

2020 - 2024
Bachelor of Engineering
 Computer Science and Design
Singapore University of Technology and Design
  • 50.044 System Security
  • 50.051 Programming Language Concepts
  • 50.041 Distributed Systems
  • 50.020 Network Security
  • 50.012 Networks
  • 50.005 Foundations of Cybersecurity
  • 50.043 Database Systems
  • 50.007 Machine Learning
  • 02.172DH Imagine Dragons
  • 02.152TS Urban Theory
  • 02.218 Introduction to Psychology
  • 02.158DH Kings, Monks and Merchants
  • 01.401 Capstone
Grade: 4.700


SUTD Honours List (Senior)
Singapore University of Technology and Design
Awarded to the top 10% of each student cohort.
SUTD Honours List (Sophomore/Junior)
Singapore University of Technology and Design
Awarded to the top 10% of each student cohort.
SUTD Honours List (Freshmore)
Singapore University of Technology and Design
Awarded to the top 10% of each student cohort.



Native speaker


3D Modelling

  • modelling
  • animation
  • Blender