AJ Lindner

AJ Lindner

Identity Security Solutions Architect

Huntsville, Alabama, US, 35803
(256) 651-4726




Identity Security Expert, Automation Engineer, Active Directory Specialist, Powershell Enthusiast

Work Experience

Work Experience

  • Solutions Engineer - PresalesOne Identity

    Jun, 2020 - Present

    Active Directory Management & Security (ADMS) and Identity & Access Management (IAM)

    • Helping customers navigate their Identity Security journey with the One Identity portfolio, presented through technical demonstrations, interactive trials, and proof-of-concept engagements

    • Meeting our customers’ unique technical and business requirements by delivering holistic security solutions, including developing custom processes and features, building new product integrations, and modeling realistic production environments

    • Expanding my team’s ability to showcase our products and reducing the investment required to deliver targeted demonstrations with the use of pre-built template environments, well-documented processes to streamline the configuration of common scenarios, product customizations delivered as importable artifacts, and videos both for training and presentation scenarios.

  • Identity Governance & Administration Engineer, LeadBBVA US

    May, 2016 - Jun, 20204 years

    Lead Engineer and Service Owner of IGA with Core Security AAS (formerly Courion)

    • Achieved SOX and PCI Compliance by providing automated lifecycle management, role based access control, and comprehensive identity governance through the implementation of Core Security Access Assurance Suite alongside other team members and service partners

    • Secured the access of our contractor and vendor population, met third party risk management requirements, and centralized and standardized data for third-party workers by implementing SecZetta Identity Suite (NEProfile), integrated with Core AAS

    • Maintained and improved our identity security posture through ongoing support of Core Security and NEProfile, including architecting and deploying feature requests, break/fixes, customized reports, and integrations with new systems

    • Reduced manual overhead by automating various business processes on an ad-hoc basis, including Active Directory management, access controls for custom applications, and reports built with various scripting languages, customized workflows, packages, and web portals

Projects Experience

Projects Experience



  • Software Development, Scripting, and Automation







    REST Web Services



  • Common Infrastructure Apps


    Azure AD & Microsoft 365



    Federated Identity Providers (IdPs)

  • One Identity by Quest Products

    Active Roles (ADMS)

    Defender (MFA)

    Password Manager (SSPR)

    OneLogin (IAM/SSO/MFA)

    Identity Manager (IGA)

    Safeguard (PAM)



  • Business Administration in Management, Bachelor, University of Montevallo

    Aug, 2012 - Apr, 2016

    MIS Minor

    Game Studies & Design Minor

    Summa Cum Laude with University Honors