Senior Software Engineer,
Mar, 2015 - Present
As a platform team member worked on the most critical projects for T360 Infrastructure such as Web API for Unified UI Platform, Spa Web Site optimized for mobile devices, tenant-specific data removal and Establishing CI/CD process.
Constant software design improvement through design discussion, review, and documentation as a process.
Performed design and code review for system critical changes implemented by other teams.
Performed design proposal and estimation for high-level requirements.
Developed Web Apps and API on ASP .Net and ASP.Net Core with Microsoft SQL Server (TSQL) as Database.
Introduced IdentityServer – as a framework for OAuth2/OpenID Connect implementation (SSO for SAML, WS-Fed).
Worked on several SPA applications based on React/Redux framework with TypeScript.
Introduced Markdown + PlantUML – as a good option for design documentation as a code.
Used Microsoft Azure & Azure CLI as a cloud hosting environment.