Dmitry Faleleev

Dmitry Faleleev


Software Engineer / Architect


Career Timeline

  • 2015-03-01 -

    Senior Software Engineer
    As a platform team member worked on the most critical projects for T360 Infrastructure such as Web API for Unified UI Platform, Spa Web Site optimized for mobile devices, tenant-specific data removal and Establishing CI/CD process.
  • 2012-06-01 - 2015-03-01

    Technical Lead
    Worked as a technical leader and onsite representative for different offshore teams.
  • 2009-11-01 - 2012-06-01

    Project Coordinator
    Performed coordination and facilitation of all outsource activities between VIAcode and CT TyMetrix.
  • 2007-10-01 - 2009-10-01

    Project Manager
    Handled all outsource development activities for a particular client (CT TyMetrix).
  • 2006-10-01 - 2007-10-01

    Team Lead
    Management and technical leadership for projects in small teams (about 3 developers).
  • 2005-03-01 - 2006-10-01

    Software Developer
    Web application development using ASP.Net
  • 2000-10-01 - 2005-03-01

    Software Developer
    Worked as C++, Java, .Net and ASP.Net developer on different projects.
  • Beginning!