
RENARD Vincent
Freelance Data Consultant


I offer my skillset to help your Data Projects. Reach me for any questions about my profile and how i can help your company

Work Experience

Developping new AI POCs, Managing a team of 15 trainers to deliver 45 POCs to French collectivities
September 2023 – June 2024
Lead Tech
Lead Tech for an AI Training program
  • 45 POCs to French Collectivities
  • SOA AI techniques (Computer Vision, NLP, Machine Learning, LLMs
Time To Pitch
Developping a Webapp using chatGPT to write a pitch
August 2023 – September 2023
AI developper
AJC Formation
Training about State of the art of Machine Learning
October 2023 – October 2023
AJC Formation
Training about State of the art of AI
June 2023 – June 2023
Nantes / France
Teaching AI to students
February 2023 – June 2023
AI Trainer
Teaching a group of 15 students (L2 -> M2) the basics of AI development
  • One Week bootcamp to help the students build their skillset
  • 10 weeks of POC development
  • 3 POcs delivered to the collectivities ( Computer Vision, Machine Learning and NLP)
Académie de Poitiers
Bourcefranc le Chapus, Loulay (17)
Teacher in IT
September 2019 – August 2021
Teaching in middle and high schools
  • Writing a full year program for the students
  • Follow their progress
  • Animation of a coding club


  • June 2023

    Evolukid / Vivatech

    3rd Place for Kesk'IA season 1 with Nantes's Team

    3rd out of 21 AI POCs in the Kesk'IA competition organized by Evolukid


Data For Good
January 2023 – January 2023
Data Consultant
Topic modeling for Quota Climat
  • Generate Statistics from press article titles
Data For Good
January 2023 – January 2023
Data Consultant
Data Engineering for CarbonFight
  • Analysis of the codebase
  • Transition to a more robust system for the data pipelines and storage


  • Laplace Immo: Model and implement a real estate database: POC for a real estate agency to extract statistics by analyzing the real estate market
  • Bottleneck: Optimize data management for a shop: Sales analysis for a wine sales website
  • Lapage: Analyze sales for a bookstore: Activity report for an online sales company
  • DWFA: Conduct a study on drinking water: Creation of a dashboard for an NGO based on open data
  • The Singing Chicken: Market research production for a company wishing to export internationally
  • ONCFM: Detection of counterfeit banknotes: Creation of a machine learning model to distinguish counterfeit banknotes
  • Data is for Good: Smart City competition: Analyze the trees in the city of Paris
  • Public Health France: Prepare data for a public health organization: Cleaning a database and training a machine learning model
  • Ready to Spend: Building a scoring model for a banking organization to determine if a client can be granted a credit
  • Olist: Segmenting clients of a Brazilian e-commerce site and calculating the frequency of updating this segmentation
  • Avis Restau: Improving the AI product of a startup: Performing topic modeling on restaurant reviews and creating a photo classification model based on customer photos
  • Air Paradis: Detecting Bad Buzz using Deep Learning in a set of tweets. Training a model for sentiment analysis on a tweet
  • Future Vision Transport: Contributing to the design of an autonomous car by modeling an image segmentation system
  • My Content: Developing a content recommendation application for a press website that aims to provide relevant recommendations to its users
  • Fly Me: Developing a chatbot for booking vacations with recognition of different variables and a monitoring strategy in production
  • Fashion-Insta: Preparing a presentation file for a Mobile application development project containing an AI functionality


Saint Jean d'Angély, Nouvelle Aquitaine 17400 FR
+33 6 46 78 70 52



Data Analysis Advanced
Python PowerBI, Tableau Data Visualisation SQL Excel Pandas, Numpy Matplotlib, Seaborn
Data Science Advanced
Machine Learning NLP Deep Learning Python TensorFlow, PyTorch Scikit-Learn LLM, BERT, GPT Computer Vision
Data Engineering Begginer
ETL, ELT Airflow, Prefect, Mage GCP, BigQuery Azure
Soft Skills
Critical Thinking Pédagogy Sociabilty Autonomy Curiosity


Ancient Photography
Collodion Argentic
Video Games
Indie Games Competitive FPS