
Baptiste Grosjean
Computer Scientist


Computer Scientist | Student @UMons by night & IT @EMVI by day

Work Experience

Brugge, Flanders, Belgium
October 2024 – Present
Lead Software Crafter
Antwerp, Flanders, Belgium
March 2024 – September 2024
Data Scientist
Use of python libraries (Spacy,...) to extract named entities from text via NER model training and implementation in .Net Model rate 87%
Antwerp, Flanders, Belgium
August 2023 – September 2024
Software Crafter
Software modernization within the .Net stack following domain driven design and clean code principles. Implementation of Azure ai services in .net solution.
Anvers, Région flamande, Belgique
January 2024 – August 2024
.Net/React Software Crafter
Hackathon Citizens of Wallonia
Charleroi et périphérie
March 2024 – March 2024
Software Crafter
EduCraft: solution allowing anyone to craft his own personnalized path to get new skills
Anvers, Région flamande, Belgique
September 2023 – December 2023
.Net/Blazor Software Crafter
Crafting Axinco Kwalitijd webapp in .Net / Blazor folowing DDD and clean code principles.
Technofutur TIC
Charleroi, Wallonia, Belgique
December 2022 – June 2023
Full Stack Developer Web Intern
This qualifying training aimed to strengthen the technical skills acquired during my bachelor's degree program at EPHEC. In addition, during the extension, we received an introduction to BUSINESS Intelligence and ETL processes (Data Warehousing) using Microsoft tools (SSIS, ...). This comprehensive training covered various areas including SQL Server, Node.js, Express.js, React.js, and Angular.js, encompassing everything from database development to user interface and backend.
Hackathon Citizens of Wallonia
Charleroi, Région wallonne, Belgique
March 2023 – March 2023
Full Stack Developer Web Intern
OnlyTogether: solution allowing the vulnerable users always being accompagned
EDITx: IT Challenges, IT Jobs, Education in IT for X
Région de Bruxelles-Capitale, Belgique
April 2022 – April 2022
Full Stack Developer Web Intern
Les Auberges de Jeunesse - Wallonie & Bruxelles
Région de Bruxelles-Capitale, Belgique
March 2022 – March 2022
Student Job
Région de Bruxelles-Capitale, Belgique
November 2021 – March 2022
Full Stack Developer Web Intern
Quick Restaurant
Kraainem, Flemish Region, Belgium
September 2017 – September 2017
Student Job


  • June 2023





November 2023 – Present
Student Representative
November 2023 – Present
Buddy Tandemons
EPHEC École Supérieure de Promotion Sociale
September 2019 – October 2022
Student Representative
EPHEC École Supérieure de Promotion Sociale
September 2019 – October 2022


  • EduCraft:
  • MyWay:
  • VhAuctions NER Inventory Model:
  • VhAuctions:
  • Kwalitijd:
  • WebMenu:


Avenue Baron Albert D'Huart
Kraainem, Belgium 1950 BE
+32 496 28 97 05


  • 2022 Present


    Master of Science - MS

    Computer Science

  • 2018 2022

    Ecole Pratique Hautes Etudes Commerciales (EPHEC-EPS)

    Professional Bachelor's degree

    Information Systems Management

  • 2019 2020

    Institut Saint-Louis Bruxelles


    7e Spéciale Mathématiques

  • 2016 2019

    Université Saint-Louis - Bruxelles

    Bachelor of Arts - BA

    Political sciences

  • 2015 2016

    Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management

    Bachelor of Science - BSc

    Business Engineering

  • 2015 2016

    Université libre de Bruxelles

    Bachelor of Science - BSc

    Business Engineering

  • 2014 2015

    UCLouvain - Université catholique de Louvain

    Cours préparatoires

    Médecine et dentisterie

  • 2012 2015

    Centre Scolaire Saint-Adrien - Val Duchesse


    General Studies Maths & Modern languages

  • 2009 2012

    Lycée Mater Dei

    General studies Latin & Greec


SQL C# Java Python JS TS XML JSON HTML CSS Zsh Dart LaTeX SQL Server EF .NET Pandas NumPy Whisper Spacy Node.js Express.js Blazor Angular.js React.js Flutter Gradle NPM JWT Auth0 SSH Venv Conda Docker UML Merise VisualParadigm CleanCode CleanArchitecture DDD CQRS
TDD TensorFlow Scikit-Learn C XQuery Blockchain
Adaptability Resilience Leadership Creativity Initiative Analysis Flexibility Teamwork Organization Pragmatism Resourcefulness Thoroughness


Research and Development
Innovations Experimentation POCs


I had the pleasure of working with Baptiste for a year, with the added joy of mentoring him on a project for three months. If there's one thing that stands out about Baptiste, it's his boundless energy. Whether it's 9 AM or 9 PM, he's always the most enthusiastic person in the room—sometimes even more enthusiastic than the coffee machine. Baptiste brings a contagious energy to any project he's part of. He’s outgoing, smart, and has an eagerness to learn that is truly admirable. Whether he's diving into a complex task or asking insightful questions, he's always in search of knowledge. His enthusiasm for learning, especially when it comes to leveraging tools like ChatGPT, is both impressive and a little intimidating. Seriously, if ChatGPT had a best friend, it would be Baptiste! He’s also incredibly hands-on, never shying away from rolling up his sleeves and getting deep into the work. His approach isn't just theoretical; he's all about practical, tangible results. In summary, if you're looking for someone who brings enthusiasm, intelligence, and a touch of humor to every task, Baptiste is your person. Working with him was not just productive, but genuinely enjoyable.

Hoewel we niet direct samenwerkten, had ik altijd een heel fijne connectie met Baptiste. In een mengelmoes van Engels, Nederlands en Frans deelden we vaak leuke gesprekken. Zijn enthousiasme en energie zijn echt aanstekelijk, en hij weet een prettige, informele sfeer te creëren in elke interactie. Baptiste is iemand die een positieve dynamiek met zich meebrengt.

Baptiste is a full-stack software developer and is driven by an unwavering determination. This mindset permeates every aspect of his career. He has worked in various fields, allowing him to quickly adapt to any situation. These roles have honed both his technical and interpersonal skills, making him a versatile collaborator who significantly impacts every project he joins. Fueled by a constant desire to learn, he continually updates his knowledge through a master’s degree in computer science. This ongoing learning journey makes him a well-rounded IT professional in the field of computer science.

Baptiste is naast een software ontwikkelaar, graag bezig met data-analyse en is een expert in het gebruik van chat-gtp. Hij leert graag nieuwe dingen en doet dit ook snel. Hij is erg enthousiast in omgang en staat steeds klaar voor een vriendelijk woord of wat advies.

Baptiste is a great and devoted developer who’s eager to keep learning new technologies and elevate his skill set. You would be amazed about not only his knowledge but also his warm open enthusiasm. Baptiste, you’re going to be doing great things in your life, just keep your vibrate spirit ✊