Backend Software Engineer and QA Systems Manager,
May, 2019 - Aug, 20201 year 3 months
- Revived and revamped the QA infrastructure, both software and hardware, for the DB2 install team.
- Authored the automation scripts to speed up deployment of new hardware in various environments using Python, POSIX bash, and Playbook by Ansible.
- Wrote a validation failure classifier and tracker from the ground up, to automate and speed up the failure investigation process using fastText and other in-house text classification techniques, all backed by a Django back-end.
- Started a side-project on synthesizing audio books by splicing the input text in the right way so the TTS engine creates a flowing audio book. Actively looking for solutions to the problem of pronunciation of names for a better audio book experience
- Designed and proposed a transformer-based documentation generator to resolve simple customer issues quicker.
Software Automation
Failure Classification and Tracking
Better Audiobook Synthesis