Grégory Rolland

Grégory Rolland

Technical Referent / Java software developer

TOKYO, Japan, JP, 33000
French, English, Japanese




Dedicated to code quality, curious, sociable, pedagogical, attuned to DevOps, process, and agility issues. I joined the Zenika team out of mutual passion for development, technology, knowledge sharing, and discussions about nerdy things. I enjoy working with a fun team that values pair-programming, TDD, and software craftsmanship development.
I am now a Freelance developer eager to start a new mission on next summer. It could be Dev or DevOps projects, Kubernetes/Cloud/new language...

Work Experience

Work Experience

  • Technical Consultant - JavaORANGE

    Jun, 2023 - Jul, 20252 years 1 month

    The application allows companies to send dedicated ad campaigns to customers via multiple channels (e.g., mail, SMS, voice, fax). The emitted messages are sent through national phone operators and billed on a unitary basis.

    • Development primarily in Java Spring but some Golang

    • Kanban process

    • Development of business features

    • Migration of the authentication module (Spring Boot)

    • Addition of application metrics to the business module

    • Technical Environment: Java, AngularJs, Java 11, Maven, Spring Boot, GOLANG, GIT

    • Team of 6 to 12 developers

  • Trainer for companies on various technologiesZENIKA

    Jul, 2022 - Jan, 20237 months

    Providing technical training to companies on various technologies

    • Spring Core trainer

    • Angular trainer

    • Kubernetes trainer

    • ELK trainer

  • Technical Consultant - Java/AngularSAUERMANN

    Jul, 2021 - Jul, 20221 year 1 month

    Mobile application (non-native) for analyzing combustion gasses, used during boiler maintenance for both residential and industrial customers. The hardware component is managed in the workshop, the embedded firmware is built by a dedicated team.

    • Development primarily in Angular/TypeScript with a strong focus on TDD (test-driven development)

    • A somewhat agile context

    • Presentation and implementation of best practices within the team (TDD, automation, etc.)

    • Improvement of existing tools and procedures (technical migration for JS testing tools)

    • Proposal of new functional or technical features

    • Technical Proof of Concept (PoC) in Flutter

    • Side development - working on a Quarkus application (applicative stubs) and implementing multi-tenancy with Spring/Keycloak for a third-party Java 11 application

    • Technical Environment: Angular/TypeScript, Java 11, Maven, Spring/Quarkus, GIT, Keycloak, Azure CI

    • Team of 3 to 6 developers

  • Technical Consultant - Java/AngularFrance Travail (Pole Emploi)

    Dec, 2018 - Jul, 20212 years 8 months

    Project - Jobseeker Monthly update declaration

    • Revamp of the project from scratch - 2 months for setting up the foundation (with Pivotal consultants) in a small team

    • Full TDD projects (~4) with pair programming, short sprints (1 week)

    • Establishment of the technical stack and MVP

    • Improvement of existing tools and procedures (technical migration, automation)

    • Proposal, design, and development of new functional or technical features

    • Design and development, Proof of Concept (PoC)

    • Performance and audits of the application(s) on the PaaS platform

    • Migration to Gradle

    • Work on various third-party components (reactive programming feed component for job seekers, Redis cache component, Gateway - authentication proxy, etc.)

    • Technical Environment: JAVA 11, Spring 5 (Core, Boot, Cloud), Cloud Foundry Platform, Angular, Kotlin, Maven/Gradle, RabbitMQ, JUnit4/Mockito/AssertJ, JSON/XML, GIT, Concourse, Jenkins

    • Team of 8 to 15 people

  • Technical Consultant - Java/AngularFrance Travail (Pole Emploi)

    Jul, 2017 - Nov, 20181 year 5 months

    Project - Complaints - Jobseekers Portal

    • A project built from scratch as part of the migration from AngularJS to Angular

    • 3-week sprints

    • Support for the migration process

    • Proposal, design, and development of new functional or technical features

    • Design and development

    • Third-party project (Jobseeker registration)

    • Creation of a common Angular authentication library (OAuth2) for various front-end projects (replacing the one in AngularJS)

    • Technical Environment: JAVA 7, Tapestry 5, Angular, Maven, JUnit4, Weblogic X, GIT, Jenkins

    • Team of 8 to 10 people

  • JEE Consultant - JavaRTE (rte-france)

    Sep, 2016 - May, 20179 months

    Worked on the creation of a web portal for clients and professionals, allowing subscribers of RTE services to access various notification and statistical services related to their electrical consumption.

    • Development in an agile context with a team in Bordeaux and another in Nantes

    • Responsible for the backend and business calls based on REST resources

    • Architecture and implementation of best practices for the existing system

    • Supervision, refactoring, integration

    • Technical Environment: Java/JEE, AngularJS, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Tomcat server, Apache Felix, Oracle 12g database, Spring MVC, Hibernate, Junit, Mockito, Wiremock, Docker, Jenkins, Sonar, Jira, Intellij Idea, Maven, bash scripting

  • Managerial Responsibilities in IT Activities, INTITEK

    Jan, 2015 - Aug, 20161 year 8 months

    Management of a team of IT engineers

    • Autonomous management of a team of engineers

    • Human resource management (monitoring and recruitment, implementation of training, career development, technical oversight)

    • Monitoring and client support based on their technical expectations and requirements

    • Management and response to technical proposals

    • Keeping up with technological trends and conferences related to information systems (JUG, Agile Tour, Devoxx, etc.)

    • Technical Interests: NodeJS, Docker, Grunt, Git, Android, AngularJS, ReactJS, meteorJS, and more

  • JEE Junior Consultant - JavaMAINCARE

    Jan, 2014 - Aug, 20148 months

    Worked on the implementation of a Document Management System for patient records and a secure messaging solution to facilitate communication among healthcare professionals.

    • Development in an agile context, including versioning of emails and attached documents

    • Bulk processing and email delivery using Spring Batch

    • Refactoring, integration, and migration

    • Technical Environment: Java/JEE, GWT, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, JBOSS application server, Oracle 10g database, HSQLDB, Hibernate, PL/SQL, Spring Batch, Junit, Mockito, Jenkins, Sonar, Jira, Eclipse, Maven2, Ant, SQL Developer, bash scripting

  • JEE Junior Consultant - JavaMAINCARE

    Apr, 2013 - Dec, 20139 months

    Worked on establishing a deployment infrastructure for the company's web deliverables.

    • Added security policies and web server authentication (Jaas) based on a repository (AD or DB)

    • Conducted technical specifications and documentation

    • Developed server authentication libraries (Jboss) based on a virtual directory (MyVd)

    • Developed a technical foundation for deploying team web applications in a common environment (JBoss on Unix)

    • Assisted in implementing a new web solution to replace the Jboss Portal API

    • Refactoring, integration, and migration

    • Provided support to business teams

    • Bug tracking and anomaly correction using Jira

    • Technical Environment: Java/JEE, GWT, JBOSS application server, LDAP, Oracle 10g database, HSQLDB, PL/SQL, Junit, Mockito

  • JEE Junior Consultant - JavaMAINCARE

    Sep, 2010 - Apr, 20132 years 8 months

    Worked on a web solution for hospital centers, integrating web components and heavy clients to interact within a centralized common system.

    • Drafted technical specifications

    • Participated in UML design tasks

    • Developed GWT components, application services, and backend services

    • Refactoring, integration, and migration

    • Qualification and acceptance testing

    • Platform preparation for testing

    • Documentation for production deployment, team support, deployment, and release

    • Bug tracking and anomaly correction

    • Technical Environment: Java/JEE, GWT, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, JBOSS application server, Oracle 10g database, HSQLDB, Hibernate, PL/SQL, Junit, Mockito, Jenkins, Sonar, Jira, Eclipse, Maven2, Ant, SQL Developer, bash scripting

  • JEE Junior Consultant - JavaBANQUE POSTALE/EDF

    Sep, 2009 - Aug, 20101 year

    Worked on a management software for Banque Postale, allowing the input of various data such as schedules, associated human resources, timesheets, project budgets, etc.

    • Technical design

    • JEE development using the software's framework and SQL script creation

    • Specification writing and production deployment

    • Implementation of web services on a portal for information retrieval and energy statistics

    • Project setup and versioning solution responsibility

    • Development using JEE standards, utilizing Axis for implementation

    • Client support and assistance

    • Technical Environment: JEE 1.4/1.5, Apache Axis, Oracle 9g, OC4J, Eclipse, Maven2, SQL Developer, Mercurial, ClearCase

  • Internship - Java, BULL - IT

    Mar, 2009 - Aug, 20096 months

    Worked on an R&D M2M (Machine-to-Machine) project: specification and development of a distributed OSGi-compatible JEE framework that allows 'devices' (mobile phones, sensors, microcontrollers) to use and expose services in the manner of Web Services.

    • Embedded development was done in Dynamic C on a Rabbit controller (WiFi network communication)

    • Technical Environment: OSGi Apache Felix, CXF, ESB Camel, JMS ActiveMQ, iPOJO

  • Internship - C++, GIMAGIN

    Apr, 2008 - Aug, 20085 months

    Game development project

    • Developed a complete 3D game for Nintendo DS (GamePlay, 3D camera management, development tools) in C++ using Visual C++ .Net 2005

  • Internship - C++/PythonINRIA

    May, 2007 - Aug, 20074 months

    Research project on artificial neural networks

    • Developed and designed an artificial neural network, a module for data storage, and a graphical interpreter (C++, Python)

    • Utilized Boost, Cairo, and Matplotlib libraries for calculations and display on Linux



  • Java

    Spring Framework

    Spring Boot





  • Angular



    Web Development

  • TypeScript



  • AWS/GCloud



  • Golang



  • Kubernetes




    CKAD in preparation

  • Development Practices


    Pair Programming

    Clean Code




  • Information Systems Management / Software Engineering, Engineering degree / Master, EXIA Nancy

    Jan, 2008 - Dec, 2009





  • Entertainment

    Video gamesJapanese animation (Anime)
  • Technology

    Technical watchContinuous learning
  • Sports

  • Other Interests

    TravelInvestmentWanna do a personal project on SOL blockchain in Rust