Pedro Augusto Soares Benevides
| +351 914-380-408 | Lisbon, PT
As a Full-Stack Software Engineer with over a decade of experience, I've primarily contributed to startup environments, playing a key role in shaping the software architectures and establishing the software engineering practices. I bring extensive experience in web applications, from their initial development stages to cloud deployment and scaling.
IFCE - Brazil 2012-02-01 — 2007-04-01
Bachelors - Computing Engineering
Languages and Frameworks: Ruby (Ruby on Rails), Javascript (ReactJS, TypeScript, BackboneJS, ExtJS, jQuery), Python (Django)
Devops and Cloud: Docker, Linux, AWS (EC2, ECS, ElasticBeanstalk, S3, RDS, Aurora, Route53, Lambda, SQS, Dynamodb), Google (Recaptcha, SSO, Tag Manager)
Databases and In-memory: Postgres, Mysql, Redis, Mongodb
Wayleadr | Senior Full Stack Engineer 2022-06 — Present
  • Development and maintanance of the main Web applications in Ruby on Rails and ReactJS frontend.
  • Maintencance and evolution of the company's Slack App written in Python.
  • Implemented the tools for error monitoring, code coverage, code quality and performance monitoring.
  • Setup the CI/CD pipeline for several applications.
  • Performed multiple performance optimisations on the main application and database.
  • Implemented several integrations with third-party ANPR services and Camera Providers.
  • Helped the Engineering leaders to define the company's architecture and software engineering practices.
Wattics | Senior Software Engineer 2018-04 — 2022-06
  • Development and maintanance of the main Web applications in Ruby on Rails and ReactJS frontend.
  • Also maintained several microservices written in Java, Python and NodeJS.
  • Implemented the tools for error monitoring, code coverage, code quality and performance monitoring.
  • Implemented auto-scaling configuration on AWS for the main applications.
  • Implemented the CI/CD pipeline for the main applications.
  • Migrated the central 30 TB database from RDS Mysql to Aurora on AWS with seconds of downtime.
  • Migrated the mixes js libraries in the frontend to ReactJS.
  • Separated the new frontend from the main application to a new repository.
  • Developed external integrations with third-party services.
Fortes Tecnologia | Software Developer (Multiple levels) 2014-09 — 2018-04
  • Development and maintanance of multiple Web applications in Ruby on Rails and ExJS frontend.
  • Development of Web platform from scratch using Ruby on Rails and jQuery.
  • Administration and configuration of local servers in the cloud AWS. Error and performance Monitoring.
  • Dockerization of applications. Scaling and monitoring of applications in production.
  • Transferred the application assets to an external CDN. Adjusted the deployment process to this scenario.
  • Training new employees and performing pair programming sessions.
  • Performed code reviews and helped to establish the code review process.
  • Elaborated new stages and verifications for the software development process.
  • Participated in the elaboration of the team's code quality and test coverage planning.
Group of Computer Networks, Software Engineering and Systems | Software Developer 2014-01 — 2014-08
  • Development of a mobile Android application using Java SDK.
  • Development of a WEB API for the mobile application using Java Jest framework.
  • Bugfixing of custom Android builds for a specific cellphone manufacturer.
  • Mentoring of Intern.
F.F.I.T - Serviços de Inovação e Tecnologia | Software Developer 2012-05 — 2013-12
  • Development and maintanance of a Web application in Java Web with JSF 2.
  • Migration of the JSF Web application to Ruby on Rails.
  • Development of a mobile Android application using Java SDK.
  • Development of a WEB API for the mobile application using Ruby on Rails.
  • Mentoring of other two interns in the team.
Other experiences | Intern 2010-08-31 — 2009-01-01

Worked as intern in five different places during college graduation time.

English (Fluent) , Portuguese (Native Speaker)