Daniel Fuchshuber

Daniel Fuchshuber

Digital Engineer

Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, DE, 70180
+49 152 54960507
German, English, French




Advocate for sustainability through automation. Generalist. Creative mind. Life-long learner.

Work Experience

Work Experience

  • Project Engineer Algorithmic Engineering

    Jan, 2024 - Apr, 20251 year 3 months

    Worked in a team focused on the application of the low-code tool 'Synera' for various engineering automation use cases. Substantially contributed to the team's flagship project and also implemented smaller PoCs collaboratively.

    • Developed a Python app architecture providing an abstraction layer on top of Synera-Workflows for advanced workflow management.

    • Developed a suitable Synera-Workflow architecture for optimized interaction with the Python app whilst improving reusability and robustness.

    • Documented developed concepts and guidelines in Confluence.

    • Participated in pre-sales activities including on-site or remote pitches and creation of demo video material.

    • Continued as product owner for automated cable harness routing.

    • Continued as Synera peer trainer for new team members.

    • Played an active role in shaping the team's way of communicating and working.

  • Specialist Digital Engineering

    May, 2022 - Dec, 20231 year 7 months

    Worked in a diverse team of computer scientists, NLP experts, mathematicians and engineers on advanced digital prototypes involving knowledge graph technology, model-based systems engineering and low-code tools. Also participated in customer projects.

    • Received peer training for the low-code software Synera (fka. ELISE) and implemented first smaller use cases.

    • Learned C# for implementation of prototypical Synera Add-ins and collaboratively derived guidelines for streamlined internal Add-in development.

    • Took on the role as product owner for the development of a prototype for automated cable harness routing using the low-code tool Synera and Python code.

    • Obtained the Synera Trainer Certificate and conducted internal and external peer trainings.

  • Working Student in Product Development

    Jul, 2020 - Jun, 202111 months

    Supported the Scroll Exporter app team by working in customer success, confirming bug reports and implementing fixes.

    • Improved Java/Maven skills in a production environment.

    • Worked on webdevelopment problems using Javascript, JQuery, HTML/CSS.

    • Worked in an agile team (Scrum & Kanban) using Confluence and Jira.

  • Student Assistant

    May, 2018 - Aug, 20191 year 3 months

    Translation and improvement of existing Matlab code into Python. Extension of the code by introduction of a HTTP proxy for enabling remote communication.

  • Working Student

    Jan, 2018 - Mar, 20183 months

    Validation and documentation of the results obtained from the previous internship.

    • Comparison of the simulation results with existing measurement data.

    • Evaluation and visualization of the findings using VBA scripts in MS Excel, and gnuplot.

    • Documentation and summary of the findings on MS PowerPoint slides.

  • Intern

    Aug, 2017 - Dec, 20175 months

    Worked in the CFD simulation department on the automation of various simulation setups and ran simulations on Bosch's high-performance computing cluster.

    • Automation of structured 3D-mesh generation for parametric geometries using TCL scripts.

    • Integration of these scripts in a larger automation workflow using Ansys Workbench.

    • Set up and ran various simulations on the Linux-based HPC environment to study the influence of the chosen turbulence model (RANS, LES, SBES).

    • Implemented customized script-based evaluation of the simulation results.



  • Abstraction & multi-disciplinary problem solving

    Systems Architecting

    Digital Prototyping

  • Model-based Systems Engineering

    Virtual twin


    Interface engineering

  • Software development & scripting





  • Teaching


    Educational content creation


  • CAD


  • CFD Simulation

    Ansys Workbench

    Ansys CFX




  • Aerospace Engineering, B. Sc. & M. Sc., University of Stuttgart

    Sep, 2013 - Mar, 2022

    Information Technology in Aerospace Engineering

    Space Flight Technology and Space Utilization



  • Sonderpreis , Stiftung Jugend Forscht e. V.

    Awarded on: Mar 01, 2013

    Awarded a special price in the 2nd round of the 'Jugend forscht' youth science contest.



  • Sustainability

    Circular EconomyExperimentation
  • AI

    AI in engineering


  • Uwe Kloss, RLE International

    Daniel bringt mit seinem grundsätzlich ganzheitlichen Systemdenken in nahezu allen fachübergreifenden Diskussionen neue Denkansätze und Aspekte ein, was speziell in heterogen aufgebauten Experten-Teams gerne zu originellen Lösungsansätzen und Prototypen führt. Seine offene, ergebnisorientierte und eigeninitiative Arbeitsweise bezieht die individuellen Teamkompetenzen nahtlos mit ein und befähigt konstruktive, kritische Auseinandersetzungen ohne Scheu vor Hierarchie, Fachwissen und Erfahrung.

  • Matthias Gaiser, K15t

    [Herr Fuchshuber] war hochmotiviert und zeigte ein außerordentliches Maß an Initiative und Leistungsbereitschaft. Dabei führte [er] alle Aufgaben stets selbstständig, äußerst sorgfältig und planvoll durchdacht aus. Seine Arbeitsergebnisse waren, auch bei wechselnden Anforderungen und unter sehr schwierigen Bedingungen, stets von guter Qualität. Auch bei sehr hohem Arbeitsanfall erwies sich Herr Fuchshuber als belastbarer Mitarbeiter und ging überlegt, ruhig und zielorientiert vor.

  • Björn Annighöfer, Institute of Aircraft Systems

    Herr Fuchshuber erledigte die ihm übertragenen Aufgaben stets zu meiner vollsten Zufriedenheit und ist absolut zuverlässig und genau. Er hat komplexe Aufgaben eigenständig bearbeitet und sich dabei selbstständig das nötige Wissen angeeignet. Er zeigte stets ein hohes Maß an Eigeninitiative.

  • Robin Hellmann, Bosch

    Durch seine hervorragende Auffassungsgabe konnte [Herr Fuchshuber] sich äußerst schnell in neue Aufgaben einarbeiten und war dadurch vielseitig einsetzbar. [Er] bewältigte neue Arbeitssituationen stets außerordentlich gut und sicher. Durch seine überaus ausgeprägten analytischen Denkfähigkeiten hat er jederzeit effektive Lösungen entwickelt.